Many years ago, I went through several difficult experiences with misogyny, tech and the world of motion. I was blocked over and over from the career I wanted and had trained for. Fearing for my safety, I went underground for years..hiding who I was, my power, my talent...I was miserable...

I made my first public post on twitter and have continued to document my process on medium, keeping a virtual diary of my trial and tribulations as I attempt to create the life I've always dreamed of. It was my first post on Medium and a long love affair with the work of Joseph Campbell that inspired the project Mixed Metafour, where I explore the different stages of the “Hero’s Journey” speaking with artists, designers and brave explorers of life carving out their place in the world.

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Heather lives & works from Bend, Or. She is available for speaking engagements.

Contact Heather for more info.